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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Default back to school lunchbox food

Christine asked:

>> ObFood: Got all kinds of variety meats today: Elk tenderloin, ostrich
>> filets, a whole rabbit, and wild boar chops. Also some veal sweetbreads
>> and other more conventional meats. Anybody want to suggest how I ought
>> to cook the wild boar chops?

> Where did you get all these meats? These sound good.

There's a meat market in Roseville that I don't visit NEARLY enough. I went
there today in search of slab bacon (which they ended up not having), calf's
liver, and sweetbreads. So I put the slab bacon on order and got a bunch of
other stuff on impulse.

> Hmm...I would ask Victor about the wild boar....

Yes, I was hoping Victor would weigh in. I remember his mentioning a wild
boar ragout around Christmas. So far, my search has turned up lots of
recommendations to grill the chops, and an interesting recipe from Ted
