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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 11,044
Default back to school lunchbox food

Jill wrote:

>>> Why should a kid eating peanuts on school grounds be suspended
>>> because of another ones allergies? How was that child to know what
>>> this person was allergic to peanuts?

> YA KNOW BOB.... My post wasn't about YOU. It was about suspending a kid
> for eating peanuts. It was about sf posting a PB& Apple sandwich. Not
> about YOU. Get over yourself.

You need to work on getting more rational quotes, Tits. I know you're not
such a newbie that you CAN'T select the quote to which you're replying, but
you sure failed to do that in this case. That's probably because what you
wrote WAS about me, and you didn't want to quote it because it contradicted
what you were about to write. Here's what you wrote, just to refresh your

| What, next you'd like to legislate bees because some people are allergic
| to bee stings? What about gluten allergies... should we ban bread? Ban
| pasta? Ban everything and finally there will be nothing left to eat.
| Because next thing you know everyone will be suing everyone... no beef, no
| chicken, no lamb, no pork, no wheat, no eggs. No nothing. Eat leaves.
| Whatever!!

See how you started that irrational arm-waving with "_YOU'D_ like to
legislate"? That's where you started talking about me. Now, you may have
MEANT something completely different, but let me clue you in on how this
text-based Usenet thing works: We can only guess at what you mean by WHAT
YOU WRITE. And what you wrote about was -- wait for it -- ME!

Speaking generally, allow me to point out that there's no requirement at all
for you to post EVERY LITTLE THING that floats to the forefront of your
cerebral cortex. For example, if someone posts requesting a recipe for coq
au vin, you seem compelled to write, "I don't have one." What's the point of
that? Do you believe that EVERYBODY who lacks that recipe ought to post the
fact that they don't have it?

Moving from the general to this specific case, you felt compelled to write
that you thought the school policy was "ridiculous." Well, unless you have
some kind of authority to effect a change, your opinion is pretty
insignificant, isn't it? Do you believe that your post to a mostly-obsolete
corner of the Internet is going to make an iota of difference to the people
who matter? If you don't believe such a thing, what did you hope to
accomplish by posting? Was it just because you love to see your words in
print? Get over yourself! (And if you *do* believe your opinion makes a
difference, you REALLY need to get over yourself!)
