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Peter A Peter A is offline
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Default Correcting others' grammar (was: washing dishes)

In article >,
> Subject: Correcting others' grammar (was: washing dishes)
> From: Felice Friese >
> Newsgroups:
> "Peter A" > wrote in message
> ...
> >
> > If people write sloppy English, so be it - they may still have something
> > interesting to say. I don't want to be a "grammar nazi" or anything like
> > that. My goal is not to say "Hey stupid, I'm smarter than you" but
> > rather to say "perhaps you would like to know this." Unfortunately,
> > insecure people are so touchy about any criticism, they would rather
> > remain ignorant than learn something new because of their stupid pride.
> > --
> > Peter Aitken

> Perhaps, Peter, people are simply "touchy" about having their grammatical
> errors corrected in public. If you truly feel they would appreciate your
> criticism, you could email them or post a grammar hint in a separate thread
> addressed to the newsgroup as a whole.
> I am a retired newspaper editor and never once corrected a reporter's
> grammar within anyone else's hearing. I spoke to them privately or posted a
> general note (usually light in tone) on the newsroom bulletin board.

Thanks for your thoughtful post, you make a good point. I am a writer by
trade and I suppose that grammar is more important to me than it is to
99.9% of people.

Even so, I am surprised by how resistant most people are to learning
anything. I guess that's just human nature and I should learn to deal
with it.

Peter Aitken