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Cryambers Cryambers is offline
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Posts: 115
Default Macaroni & Cheese - Simple & "unmessed with". . .

> Well, I have a grandkid, who will be celebrating her 7th birthday this
> Saturday. She's one of those kids, who likes her food simple and
> "unmessed with". . .A traditional Oscar-Mayer weiner kid;-)
> I asked what she wanted me to bring to go along with the burgers and
> hot dogs, and she has asked for macaroni and cheese.
> I won't be able to put anything over on this kid, so I have to keep it
> pretty pure. I love the exotic rendition that Martha Stewart provided
> awhile back, but it won't work with this little gal.
> I must admit, I haven't made Mac and Cheese since the 1970s. Have you
> guys got a recipe that ought to feed about 20 people or so?
> It would be greatly appreciated.

This is my favorite macaroni and cheese recipe. I've posted it
before. (This version no longer appears on the box.) It's easy to
make and very basic. I sometimes double it but haven't tried tripling

2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard, (optional--I use it)
1/4 teaspoon pepper
2 1/2 cups milk
2 tablespoons margarine (I use butter)
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese, divided
1 3/4 cups Mueller's elbow macaroni, cooked 6 minutes, drained

In medium saucepan combine corn starch, salt, dry mustard and pepper;
stir in
milk until smooth. Add margarine. Stirring constantly, bring to boil
medium-high heat and boil 1 minute. Remove from heat. Reserve 1/4
cup cheese
for topping. Stir in remaining cheese until melted. Add elbows.
Turn into
greased 2-quart casserole. Sprinkle with reserved cheese. Bake
uncovered in
375° oven 25 minutes or until hot and bubbly.
