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Dee Dee Dee Dee is offline
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Default Ping---Kili ....Help w/Hawaiian Appetizer Suggestions

> wrote in message
> On Thu, 9 Aug 2007 21:49:14 -0400, "Dee Dee" >
> wrote:
>>> I'm from Hawaii too and here is the best and easiest recipe for Kalua
>>> Pork. BEST and So EASY!
>>> 1 (6 pound) pork butt roast
>>> 1 1/2 tablespoons Hawaiian sea salt
>>> 1 tablespoon liquid smoke flavoring
>>> Pierce pork all over with a carving fork. Rub salt then liquid smoke
>>> over meat. Place roast in a slow cooker.
>>> Cover, and cook on Low for 16 to 20 hours, turning once during cooking
>>> time.
>>> Remove meat from slow cooker, and shred, adding drippings as needed to
>>> moisten.
>>> You don't need any moisture added.
>>> It is hard not to want it as a meal time rolls around druing those
>>> 16-20 hours
>>> aloha,

>>My humble suggestion: search for the Hawaiian sea salt before beginning.
>>Dee Dee

> Kosher salt is similar. Red Hawaiian salt just has some sort of Kauai
> clay in it. Not especially tasteworthy. I have eaten kalua pig all
> my life and the above recipe is the easiest and the best! Promise.
> aloha,
> beans
> roast beans to kona to email
> farmers of Pure Kona

I can't dispute a Hawaiian, but for me a mainlander, I say it is especially
" .. JUST has some sort of KAUAI CLAY in it"???
Yes, that's the reason it IS different.

That's like saying all coffee is the same, Kona is JUST from Hawaii. Phew!

Dee Dee