Thread: Mayonnaise
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James Silverton[_2_] James Silverton[_2_] is offline
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Default Mayonnaise

Melba's wrote on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 08:52:33 -0500:

??>> Melba's Jammin' > wrote in
??>> :
??>>> In article >,
??>>> "KW" <keith_warrennospamatallteldotnet> wrote:
??>>>> My deep south (Central Alabama) grandparents often
??>>>> fought over this very thing. Memaw claimed the long a
??>>>> variant (Croppie)
??>>> Errr, long a? Wouldn't that make it a CRAY-pee?
??>> I thought long 'a' would be 'aa', and 'ay' a dipthong
??>> (really 'ei').
??>> But I'm only a wannabe amateur linguist, and could stand
??>> to be corrected
??>> K

MsJ> LOL. I didn't know a better way to spell it. I was
MsJ> thinking of crayfish, Cray Research, and Crayola crayons.
MsJ> :-) I see "aa" and I'm thinking Baa-Baa Blacksheep.

If you want to have a perhaps more spirited discussion you might
go to alt.english.usage or alt.usage.english. One of those, and
I forget which, has distinctly pugnacious posts. It's a pity
that, outside specialists, so few know the IPA phonetic alphabet
or, better for a text newsgroup, SAMPA

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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