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Default WalMart killed our Jewel

On Fri, 10 Aug 2007 07:34:07 -0400, "Nancy Young" >

>"jmcquown" > wrote
>> Nancy Young wrote:
>>> "Dave Smith" > wrote
>>>> Now that you mention it, that was one of the things that first
>>>> turned me off WalMart, their having a "greeter" who wants to search
>>>> your bags.
>>> When you say greeter, you mean they search you on the way in?

>> Dave, you didn't answer Nancy's question. Do they search you on the way
>> IN?
>> No, they don't. If that's what you're inferring it's a ridiculous
>> accusation. Who has reason to search someone just entering a store?

>I was just curious, to me a greeter meets you on the way in, but maybe
>WalMart calls the people who check you on the way out greeters, too.
>I certainly don't ever seem to hear anything about the store that would
>entice me to walk into any of their stores. I understand that, in some
>places, there is no choice, that's a shame.
>My first experience with a greeter was not at a WalMart, it was some
>other chain. I was walking in and some guy stopped me and told me
>about some special. I was polite, I don't want anyone to think I said
>anything to the guy, but my reaction was What, I have to talk to someone
>just to get in the store? Get lost? Heh. My idea of personal service is
>there is someone around to ask when I need them. Not at the door.

the greeters at wal-mart and, particularly, others who work at
members-only warehouse frequently have some tales to tell over at
*customers suck*


your pal,