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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default PING: Blinky: Grub

Andy wrote:
> Blinky the Shark said...
>> Andy wrote:
>>> From a few days ago, about Redondo Beach brunch, the other night I saw
>>> a food tv show that mentioned Grub in Hollywood.
>>> Sounded great!
>>> Been there yet?

>> Nope. I'll try to remember to check it out. It looks like fun. I know
>> the area; that's at 911 Seward and I used to work at a stage at 800.
>> Hey, about that Redondo restaurant of old that you asked me about a few
>> days ago: I pasted your description into an email for my buddy that
>> lives down there and he said:
>> "Sounds like Rueben's on the Rocks. It's been gone for years, having
>> been severely damaged in a storm, but I don't know what replaced it."
>> Does that name ring a bell?

> Yep. That's the place! I don't think you could dine any closer to the

Great. Another of life's mysteries solved.

> Pacific Ocean.

Well, eating at a restaurant on a/the pier probably qualifies.

I had my first fish tacos on a pier restaurant at Avila Beach. Yum!

> The building is still there. I can close my eyes and walk around the place.
> Maybe ask your bud what it is now, out of curiousity?

See, above in his email reply, "don't know what replaced it."

We'll check it out, though...

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