>> What does this "MasterCook" refer to? Is it some type of cookbook that
>> can
>> be accessed?
>> donna
> Yes, the software comes with several cookbooks, but you can build your
> own using your own recipes, and add friends' cookbooks, as well.
> Comes in both PC and Mac versions.
> It can usually be purchased by the manufacturer (www.valusoft.com),
> but their site is filled with 404 errors at present. Most any store
> that carries computer software should have it, and it's readily
> available on eBay, too.
> Carol
I recently purchased Mastercook 9 from Amazon. The software that
Valuesoft.com makes does not have a version for the Mac.
Mastercook is also problematic for users of Vista and currently they do not
plan to put out a version for Vista.
Chris in Pearland, TX