Thread: Mayonnaise
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Cindy Fuller Cindy Fuller is offline
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Posts: 599
Default Mayonnaise

In article >,
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:

> Curiousity question: What do you do when you visit towns or cities
> where the name of the city or town isn't pronounced correctly; i.e., the
> way it is elsewhere? I'm not saying this well. What I'm thinking of
> are the communities of Lima, Ohio and New Prague, Minnesota. I don't
> know what the Ohioans would say if you said LEEma, but the folks in New
> Prague would know you don't know if you said New PRAHgue ‹ or Novy
> Praha. "-) But they probably wouldn't correct you. On second thought,
> they probably *would* correct you. Are you going to tell them they're
> wrong?

We have a plethora of interestingly pronounced names hereabouts:

Sequim (Skwim), home of the Lavender Festival
Tulalip (Tu-LAY-lip)
Puyallup (PEW-wallup)
Cheney (Chee-ney), NOT named for the VP

OB Food: The Puyallup Fair in September is going trans-fat-free. Folks
can eat funnel cakes, deep-fried Snickers bars, and corn dogs with
slightly less guilt.

Cindy, who has yet to do the Puyallup Fair

C.J. Fuller

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