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Default So what do you all think of the new jar lid designs?

On Fri, 10 Aug 2007 01:31:22 -0700, "Ted Mittelstaedt"
> wrote:

>I see that Ball/Jarden has redesigned the printing on both the
>Kerr and Ball jar lids. In past years the Ball lids used a
>blue outline of some fruits, but it looks like the new lid is
>just the name "Ball" The older Kerr lid had Kerr surrounded
>by a house outline, the new lid design, like the Ball lid,
>just has "Kerr" on it.
>IMHO it's a step backwards.

We haven't bought any new Bernardin lids yet this year but, I presume
they'll have changed as well since they're all made in the same
factory now.
Doesn't matter to us what's on the lid anyway. We long since gave up
marking on the lid what's in the jar. When the info is on the lid and
with many items looking similar, once you remove and discard the lid,
you end up playing preserve roulette.
We now use the computer to print little Avery self stick labels on the
side of the jar. They stick very well on hot jars just out of
processing, come off very easily when the empty jars are washed and,
you can read them on the side of jars on the upper shelves of the
Works for us.
