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Victor Sack[_1_] Victor Sack[_1_] is offline
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Default back to school lunchbox food

Bob Terwilliger > wrote:

> Christine asked:
> > Hmm...I would ask Victor about the wild boar....

> Yes, I was hoping Victor would weigh in. I remember his mentioning a wild
> boar ragout around Christmas. So far, my search has turned up lots of
> recommendations to grill the chops, and an interesting recipe from Ted
> Nugent.

I'd be happy to oblige and will indeed provide a recipe I like, but
there is a potential problem... Is it real, i.e. imported, wild boar
you got? Wild boar is not native to America and what is often referred
to under that name there is actually either feral, originally domestic
pig, or peccary/javelina. If that is the case here, I won't be much
help, as I have never tasted either kind of meat and cannot say if it is
at all similar to wild boar.

European wild boar is not a gamy or very strongly tasting meat as a
rule, especially if the animal is not too old. So, marinating is not
absolutely necessary, even if often practised. The meat is cut as pork
and most pork recipes can be adapted easily or just used unchanged.
However, here is a nice recipe with a comparatively strong-tasting
sauce, which will be particularly suitable if your meat will turn out
strong-tasting. The recipe is from _Pork & Sons_ by Stéphane Reynaud.
Also, I'd mention that there is an interesting Sardinian sweet 'n' sour
wild boar chops recipe that uses chocolate in the sauce! So, it is not
just the Mexican mole or the Cincinnati chili!


Wild boar chops with tart red fruits

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes

Serves 6

3 crisp eating apples
2 tablespoons sweet butter
6 wild boar chops (or domestic pork chops)
4 teaspoons brandy
scant 1 cup Côtes du Rhône or Shiraz wine
1/4 cup crème de cassis
1/2 cup gooseberries
1/3 cup dewberries or blackberries
2/3 cup raspberries

Peel and core the apples and cut them into fourths. Melt the butter in
a skillet. Add the apples and cook, turning occasionally, for about 5
minutes, until golden brown. Remove from the skillet and reserve the
cooking juices.

Add the chops to the skillet and cook for 5 minutes on each side, then
remove from the skillet and keep warm.

Add the brandy to the skillet, heat for a few seconds, and ignite. When
the flames have died down, stir in the red wine, scraping any sediment
from the base with a wooden spoon. Add the crème de cassis and cook
until reduced.

Beat the reserved cooking juices into the sauce, add the fruit, and cook
for 1 minute. Divide the chops and apples among individual serving
plates and spoon the sauce over them.