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Dan Dan is offline
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Default back to school lunchbox food

jmcquown wrote:
> Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>> Jill wrote:
>>> I never heard of anything as ridiculous as banning peanut butter
>>> because a small number of students might be allergic to it. It was
>>> my bread and butter (so to speak) when I was in elementary school.
>>> No one I ever attended classes with (and we're talking schools from
>>> New Jersey to southern California and a lot of places in between)
>>> had any problem with peanuts or peanut butter. Treat the kid with
>>> medication for an allergy; don't deprive the entire population of
>>> something that is a lunch classic.

>> ...and exactly how will your outrage affect the existing school
>> policies? Are you suggesting that students and parents defy the
>> policies because you think they're "ridiculous"?
>> Bureaucrats everywhere are pigheaded. The policy is NOT going to
>> change. Mouth off about it all you like, but the KIDS are the ones
>> who will suffer because of it.
>> Bob

> Bob. Outrage? This wasn't outrage. I frankly don't care one way or the
> other. And I don't expect my views to affect school policy. In fact, I
> expect would ignore it, even though I pay taxes towards a school system when
> I don't have kids.

How do you receive welfare and pay taxes? Aren't I paying for you and
your internet access with MY taxes?

> Jill