Macaroni & Cheese - Simple & "unmessed with". . .
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Macaroni & Cheese - Simple & "unmessed with". . .
On Fri, 10 Aug 2007 03:24:50 -0000,
>Well, I have a grandkid, who will be celebrating her 7th birthday this
>Saturday. She's one of those kids, who likes her food simple and
>"unmessed with". . .A traditional Oscar-Mayer weiner kid;-)
>I asked what she wanted me to bring to go along with the burgers and
>hot dogs, and she has asked for macaroni and cheese.
>I won't be able to put anything over on this kid, so I have to keep it
>pretty pure. I love the exotic rendition that Martha Stewart provided
>awhile back, but it won't work with this little gal.
>I must admit, I haven't made Mac and Cheese since the 1970s. Have you
>guys got a recipe that ought to feed about 20 people or so?
>It would be greatly appreciated.
I like the way your granddaughter thinks!
I cook up pasta, coat it with a couple tablespoons of butter and toss
it in flour (just enough to coat lightly). I layer the pasta in
casserole with lots of shredded mild/medium bite cheese, like
Longhorn. Then I pour in full fat milk almost to the top. I'm not a
bread crumb topping fan on mac & cheese, so I add more cheese to the
top the last 15 minutes or so of baking so it will melt and get
crunchy, but not burn.
A husband is someone who takes out the trash and gives the impression he just cleaned the whole house.
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