US marines for 911 truth ...
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Posted to,,alt.drugs.hard,,
Yes, THE John Henry
external usenet poster
Posts: 3
US marines for 911 truth ...
wrote in
> Go an slap this Marine... maybe he slaps you back, maybe for 8
> minutes,
> like the fist-fight in THEY LIVE (Carpenter)... it took 8 minutes
> beating each other to pulp
> until they guy was willing to put on the glasses THAT ALLOWED HIM TO
> SEE.
> Here is yet another proof of FAKE TV
> html
> No planes, thats right, no planes.
> You can swear, you can threaten violence, you can get mad as hell....
> html
Unfortunately, even if we treat this as a sane proposition, it falls
apart under even cursory examination. CNN wasn't the only organization
covering the event; many pieces of planes and remnants of those on board
them have been recovered; the vast number of individuals who would
necessarily be involved in pulling off such a spectacular hoax all but
guarantees that *someone* would have been struck by conscience and come
forward in the last six years.
I think there are a great number of unanswered questions about the events
of 9-11, and I think that most of them will never be answered to my
satisfaction. Believe me, if there were a way that stands up to logical
examination to firmly accuse the current administration of (intentional)
complicity in that unfathomable tragedy, I'd be the first one to shove it
down people's throats until they could not ignore it. Indeed, the month
of September hadn't even run out, back in 2001, before I was loudly
pointing out the various failures and provocations of US foreign policy,
intelligence, and security priorities that allowed 9-11 to happen, and
I'm still taking shit for it to this day.
But as of right now, the only people I've seen who seriously believed
that our government was intentionally involved in allowing (or helping)
9-11 to happen have been every bit as deluded and willing to
intentionally ignore common sense and established objective facts as the
idiots who still think Iraq had something to do with it.
If you and your marine friends wish to bring attention to the failures
and malfeasance of this administration as relates to 9-11, concentrate on
the vast tapestry of lies that was woven for the american people - and
the rest of the world, who didn't swallow it nearly as eagerly - to
justify attacking Iraq in retaliation for 9-11. That's where people are
dying NOW for no good reason, fighting a war that even the most hawkish
of occupation advocates in the administration refuse to prosecute in an
intelligent and effective manner, because they're too busy worrying about
politics and not busy enough worrying about what's going to happen if we
keep half-assing over there.
And for the record, while I completely disagree with the Iraq war, I also
disagree with anyone who thinks that a complete pullout is even a
realistic option, let alone a good idea. I'd rather we never went in the
first place...but now that we're there, we have an ethical obligation to
stop dicking around and just do what needs to be done: send every
available warm body to the borders and tighten a noose around the whole
place, checking every damn inch of that country for any kind of weapon
bigger than a razorblade and making damn sure nobody's coming in behind
us to dump more arms in. The only way you'll have peace in that country
is by eliminating any realistic capability to create war, from inside or
outside. We're an occupying power - we need to stop pussyfooting around
and pretending to be something less than that, because as long as we're
half-assing this job, the job will never be finished and the Iraqi people
will never be safe.
You don't have a ****ing war with Marquis of Queensbury rules, folks, and
political correctness or kowtowing to conventional wisdom has no place on
a battlefield. I thought we learned that lesson 40 years ago.
Yes, THE John Henry
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Yes, THE John Henry
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