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Let the big fish rule Let the big fish rule is offline
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Default WalMart killed our Jewel

"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
. ..
> But this is specific to Costco. Electronics store aside, no other stores
> check my bags on the way out. And since at Costco the 'bagger' and
> cashier would have to be in cahoots (not to mention slick since the other
> customers are invariably standing there watching), all they'd need is a
> 'friendly' cart checker.
> I think camera surveillance on the cashiers would be more effective if
> that was the problem. I imagine they already have that.
> nancy

I guess then you haven't been to a Sam's Club. They take the receipt as you
exit and check off every item, marking the receipt. I don't like the
process. You are screened as you go in the door the treated as a criminal as
you walk out. I just wish other stores in the area would carry the items I
buy there. Then I wouldn't have to go through the "Wal-Fart/Sam's Club"
entrance and exit check-over.