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Pennyaline Pennyaline is offline
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Posts: 504
Default Canning Tomatoes

The Joneses wrote:
> "Sheldon" > wrote in message
>> On Aug 10, 3:34?pm, "Kswck" > wrote:
>>> Is there a definitive site you all use for information on canning tomato
>>> sauce?
>>> Usually, I just grind the tomatoes and make sauce and freeze it in gallon
>>> bags. I want to try canning the juice/sauce rather than adding all the
>>> ingredients for sauce, cooking it down and freezing it.
>>> I would think that you must cook down the juice for a bit and then can.
>>> One other question-can one spice the juice, say with onion and garlic,
>>> before canning or is there a real problem with botulism with garlic?
>>> I usually do around 2 bushels-want to expand to 4 or 5. I do have an
>>> industrial size electric grinder (50 bushels in 8 hours-or so say the
>>> literature it came with).

>> You're much better off freezing tomato sauce, especially with large
>> quantities. Canning was popular before the advent of freezers, with
>> modern freezers canning can't hold a candle... freezing requires far
>> less work, far less space, and is far, FAR safer.
>> Sheldon

> Until the lights go out. Or you want to mail some prize winning good stuff
> to your kinfolk. Canning is safe if you follow the rules. I can alot and
> freeze other things. Join us at, log on to your county
> extension site, visit the library. Very civilized places imho.

I both can and freeze. The reasons you give for not freezing don't hold
up. Frozen food will stay frozen for days as long as the freezer door
remains closed. And I wouldn't mail a jar of beans or jam or picalilly*
to friends and folks with any delusion of it getting there intact. No
sir, they can stop by if they want some, or wait 'til the get-together.

I've preserved for years, and I read and rarely post to rfp. Both
methods have their good points, but in terms of taste, color and
consistency of food and the need for canned foods to be cooked by
default, freezing has far more applications.

<* piccalilli, if you must>