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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Posts: 4,409
Default Correcting others' grammar (was: washing dishes)

blake murphy wrote:
> On 10 Aug 2007 21:16:47 GMT, Blinky the Shark >
> wrote:
>>Default User wrote:
>>> Blinky the Shark wrote:
>>>> Default User wrote:
>>>> > The goal of usenet is not to be a writing exhibition. It's a form of
>>>> > communication. People participate because they wish to exchange
>>>> > ideas. T
>>>> I shall simplify. I think it ironic that so many people who can
>>>> barely write are drawn to this written medium.
>>> While there are a number of people will severely limited writing
>>> skills, I'd say on the whole they represent a very smally minority.
>>> Most of the people are at least competent at basic writing.
>>> Your experiences may differ.

>>I read about 30 groups a day, so it probably does.

> the times i've read i've been pretty impressed
> with the skills shown there.

It's a rather exceptional group in that respect, IMO.

Here's the other end of the spectrum (although the emphasis here is on
knuckleheadedness rather than just writing skills):

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