Canning Tomatoes
On Sat, 11 Aug 2007 02:58:29 GMT, "The Joneses" >
>"Sheldon" > wrote in message
>> On Aug 10, 3:34?pm, "Kswck" > wrote:
>>> Is there a definitive site you all use for information on canning tomato
>>> sauce?
>>> Usually, I just grind the tomatoes and make sauce and freeze it in gallon
>>> bags. I want to try canning the juice/sauce rather than adding all the
>>> ingredients for sauce, cooking it down and freezing it.
>>> I would think that you must cook down the juice for a bit and then can.
>>> One other question-can one spice the juice, say with onion and garlic,
>>> before canning or is there a real problem with botulism with garlic?
>>> I usually do around 2 bushels-want to expand to 4 or 5. I do have an
>>> industrial size electric grinder (50 bushels in 8 hours-or so say the
>>> literature it came with).
>> You're much better off freezing tomato sauce, especially with large
>> quantities. Canning was popular before the advent of freezers, with
>> modern freezers canning can't hold a candle... freezing requires far
>> less work, far less space, and is far, FAR safer.
>> Sheldon
>Until the lights go out. Or you want to mail some prize winning good stuff
>to your kinfolk. Canning is safe if you follow the rules. I can alot and
>freeze other things. Join us at, log on to your county
>extension site, visit the library. Very civilized places imho.
also, most folks don't have a freezer that can accommodate sauce from
five bushels of tomatoes.
your pal,