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Default Party planning, First Discussion with Caterer

On Sat, 11 Aug 2007 05:43:38 -0400, Goomba38 >

>Lately. I've been lucky to have had a variety of events for my criticl
>care nurses chapter which has allowed me to pick menus and caterers for
>smaller functions and "test drive" them a bit, but not pay the bill
>personally! LOL,
>I spoke with a caterer today who is preparing a proposal for us for a
>cocktail party with about 150 guests.My food budget is aprox. $5,000.
>Some of the munchies we included in the "wish list" includes a sushi
>bar, seasonal fruit and cheese displays, jerk chicken sticks with mango
>peach salsa, ham on sweet potato biscuits, beef kababs; Asparagus
>wrapped in filo dough (forgot what goes with that) stuffed mushrooms
>were asked for, as well as a hummous bar with pita chips. I understand
>small shrimp cocktails in jiggers go over well. I am anxious to read her
>proposal and if all of it can be done on the budget I provided?

do i have to be a nurse to come? to the party, i mean.

your pal,