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Goomba38 Goomba38 is offline
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Default Party planning, First Discussion with Caterer

Dan Abel wrote:
better than anybody here. Preferences vary according to location.
> Hopefully things will go better for you. My wife and I worked for the
> US Army many years ago. My office had several parties. Some were at
> the local (military) yacht club, a few hundred feet from where I worked.
> My wife worked at the same (satellite) base. The person who organized
> the parties found that we could provide the booze, but had to pay the
> yacht club to pour it. I don't know if the bartenders wanted to get out
> early, or what, but they poured very heavily. I talked to a woman there
> who made three trips to the bar. She wanted a bourbon and mixer. The
> bartender almost filled the large glass (8 oz?) with bourbon, and then a
> splash of mixer. She couldn't drink it. She made a second trip,
> requesting a weak drink. She got the same thing. On the third trip,
> she requested just the mixer, no booze. She got it, and could drink it.
> That was probably 12 oz of bourbon just abandoned and wasted. I watched
> the bartenders, and that was what they did for every drink. Out of the
> probably 100 people who were there, maybe two could walk home. The
> others had to drive. That was pretty irresponsible.

LOL... I think I can say from my experiences that that is an unusual
The caterer is fine with us bringing in our own liquor. The fee is the
same. There is no benefit to them to make the drinks either too weak or
too strong.