Party planning, First Discussion with Caterer
Anny Middon wrote:
> An article I read a while back (probably in the Chicago Tribune) talked
> about how the trendy thing to do these days is to have a Signature Cocktail
> at an event. So at John and Mary's wedding they'd have something called
> "John and Mary's Nuptial Bliss" or the like. These are supposedly new
> cocktails, but I suspect that often they are tried-and-true recipes with new
> garnishes.
She mentioned this, and talked about how the couples pick drinks to
"match" their color schemes. I can imagine some of the drinks being
downright foo-foo? The only drinks I personally can imagine serving as a
"special" would be a mojito or something similar?
> At any rate, a signature cocktail for your event might mean you could cut
> back on some of the hard liquor, since folks who would normally drink
> margaritas or old fashioneds might instead drink Critical Care Delights.
LOL... I can think of a lot of funny names for drinks if I was naming
them to fit the assembled drinkers.
> Booze seems to be always a problem. Sometimes it seems everyone is drinking
> wine and beer and the niext time you can;t get the martinis poured fast
> enough.
> Anny
I hope that isn't going to be the case, but since you mention it I'll
relax and realize that it doesn't have to do with the party planning
itself as much as luck of the day??