On Aug 11, 2:25 pm, ChattyCathy > wrote:
> http://www.recfoodcooking.com/
> Vote now! (or not)
> Thanks go to Andy for sending in this survey.
> --
> Cheers
> Chatty Cathy
> Garlic: the element without which life as we know it would be impossible
When in NYC, we usually end up at a Greek diner. They all seem
to have the same JKRowling-book sized menus, and enough choices
to suit anyone in the group.
Last year in Nova Scotia, we would look for places when we got
usually something small and homey. The only really bad place we ate
a Canadian-Chinese restaurant, that made me feel like I was back in
high school with the gloppy kind of foods they all served back then.
people were very nice, tho.
We used the same basic method in the Seattle area and in Maine, as
as across CT and in upstate NY.
I've had more trouble with food-bourne illnesses at gatherings and pot
lucks, where it seems there's never enough ice or hotplates and you
never know how long something's been between 40 and 140 before it
got there.
maxine in ri