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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default Sorta OT - My ISP Has Dropped RFC

Dee Dee wrote:

> "Steve Wertz" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 11 Aug 2007 03:20:24 GMT, Blinky the Shark wrote:
>>> From what I have read, is more reliable than aioe.
>>> I have both set up and use motzarella most days (it's not my primary
>>> feed, however) and it's fine. I've read complaints of aioe being up
>>> and down.

>> Motzarella has a few problem the other day, but the outages are rare and
>> it wokrs well. Most of the free servers die after a while, though. Or
>> become pay servers - like
>> I haven't even tried aioe yet, other than downloaded the groups list.
>> -sw

> What are the type of problems with Motzarella; just not being able to get
> on or receive? I haven't notice any yet. Fingers crossed. Dee Dee

You should be okay with Motzarella. I can't describe the outages Steve
mentioned because I've never seen one; but they would probably take one of
two forms: server's down for a bit, or the *route* between you and the
server has a hole. It's not always a site/server outage (this is not
limited to Usenet, I mean for any service) that shows up as a dead end;
sometimes there's a metaphorical roadblock between A and B. A
packet-switched network like the Internet is supposed to be able to adjust
to midpath blockage by routing traffic around it, but that doesn't always
happen, or at least it doesn't happen at the speed of light.

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