"Scott" > wrote in message
> 1) soak the cherry quarters in a sugar solution, the high sugar
> concentration hopefully working as an antifreeze. The negative here is
> that I'd rather not have the cherries be that sweet--the ice cream I'm
> making is a less-sweet variety, and I'd like to stay with that theme.
That works well and does not make them overy sweet, IMO. Do that with your
peaches also.
> 2) drying the cherries, so that there isn't that much water to freeze.
> The problem here is that, as the fresh cherry quarters churned with the
> vanilla ice cream, their juice was added to the ice cream, giving it a
> nice color and adding the cherry flavor. Unless I separately add cherry
> juice to the ice cream, I'll lose that.
You are then making cherry ice cream, not cherry vanilla. Ever notice
strawberry ice cream is just that, not strawberry vanilla? If you want
cherry ice cream, add the juice for color and flavor. If you want cherry
vanilla, just add the macerated cherries.