Ben & Jerry's and Wheat
Scott wrote:
> In article >,
> "Bob Terwilliger" > wrote:
>> Ben & Jerry's ice cream often contains things like brownies or cookies (or
>> cookie dough). THAT is where the wheat comes in; they use flour to make
>> those things. I don't think the ice cream itself has wheat.
> There's also the question of packaging equipment. If they make batches
> of cookie dough ice cream one day, then use the same packaging equipment
> to process vanilla, the latter OUGHT to be labeled as (possibly)
> containing wheat. At least, that should be on the now-mandatory
> allergens warning, though not the ingredients list.
The Nathan's kosher beef hot dogs that Wife bought recently say they
have no fillers, but if you look at the fine print ingredient list they
contain wheat gluten (from China?) and soy protein. At least they do
list wheat and soy in the fine print possible-allergen statement.
Maybe it's time to start making my own wieners. I've got everything for
it except the lamb casings...