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~ Shelly ~ ~ Shelly ~ is offline
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Default New birth in the family

"Goomba38" > wrote in message

> The classic Carter's crib gowns (the ones with that used to have the
> ribbon tie at the bottom) always used to come with fold over mitten
> sleeves to cover the hands up. I loved those gowns for newborns.

So do I, they're so convenient, and Baby can feel his/her legs and feet when
he/she kicks, things like that are supposed to be helpful for an infant.
They look so comfy, and make it easy to change diapers (and when the baby
was still very young, I'd change diapers at the drop of a hat!)

But I never liked the socks/mittens on the hands, I just dropped by the
doctors office and had the nurse clip the nails, until I felt comfortable
enough to just 'peel' them off. The nails in the really young ones are soft
enough that they peel right off and I never had a problem with them being
too short. Even after a few weeks, when the nails harden up a bit, a little
snip at the corner right after a bath and they'd still shorten up with no

Normally, I'd recommend buying infant clothes in sizes 6 mos., but not too
many because they grow so fast. However, considering how long your
grandbaby is, I'd go with size 12 mos.

Also, IMHO, shoes are unnecessary until the tot is walking outside. The
shoes for pictures and heat retention is a different kettle of fish...

Now for the really *good* advice, just ask the pediatrician of his/her
nurse - they see it all, and are in a really good position to give good

~~ Shelly ~~