Thread: Popsicles!
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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default Popsicles!

In article >,
"jmcquown" > wrote:

> Here's a little known factoid:
> In 1905, the Popsicle was invented by an eleven-year-old Frank Epperson.
> Frank Epperson was only 11 years old when he invented the originally named
> Epsicle. He had left his fruit flavored soda outside on the porch with a
> stir stick in it. The drink froze to the stick and tasted good. It took 18
> more years in 1923 for Epperson to apply for a patent for a "frozen ice on a
> stick" called the Epsicle ice pop, which his children re-named the Popsicle.
> It's currently 103 degrees outside. Would have been a pop-puddle if he'd
> left it sitting out in this heat. Even the Good Humor Man isn't driving
> around selling his wares. I bought some lemonade popsicles, very nice and
> refreshing. My second favourite is grape followed by orange. How about
> you? Or do you prefer ice cream?
> Jill

I prefer popsickles to ice cream.

A very simple way to make them if you have no molds is to fill an ice
cube tray with juice or whatever, cover it with cling wrap and stick one
toothpick thru the cling wrap into each cube, then freeze.

Plain Juice cubes are also great to add to any juice drinks to keep them
cold longer, and it won't dilute them out like water ice cubes will.

Crushed juice cubes are wonderful especially for frozen margaritas.
Cranberry or lemonade, or limeade.
Peace, Om

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