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blake murphy blake murphy is offline
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Default Party planning, First Discussion with Caterer

On Sat, 11 Aug 2007 13:39:37 -0500, "Anny Middon"
> wrote:

>"Blinky the Shark" > wrote in message
>> Dan Abel wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> Goomba38 > wrote:
>>>> Has anyone here provided the booze for their functions and how did you
>>>> determine what to buy?? How much??
>>> My suggestion would be to ask the caterer. She would probably know
>>> better than anybody here. Preferences vary according to location.

>> I'd say the caterer would know, yes. But ask the caterer to help you
>> end-run the caterer on booze purchases? Hmmmm. Also, would the base PX
>> or whatever OP suggested would be cheaper (probably) refund unused booze
>> (probably not, I'd say) like the caterer would?

>A local liquor store we buy from frequently has signs up in the store
>reminding customers that they will take back and refund unopened bottles.
>So it's worth asking about.

i once complained to a friend at the liquor store that i had dropped
and broken a bottle of liquor. he said i should have saved the neck -
he could have replaced it if the tax stamp over the cap was intact.
but it could be that would mean he would just bilk his wholesaler.

in maryland (or at least montgomery co., which runs all the liquor
stores), they don't seem to have the tax stamp.

your pal,