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Default What's the big deal about buffalo burgers?

In message >, writes
>In wylbur37 > wrote:
>> Here in New York City, many restaurants offer "buffalo burgers" on
>> their menu (in addition to the usual "beef burgers"). They also cost
>> about 25% more than regular beef burgers.
>> What's the big deal about buffalo burgers? Are they supposedly
>> "better" than beef burgers? Do they supposedly taste better? (I tried
>> one, and I couldn't tell the difference).

>Supposedly, buffalo meat has less fat per ounce than cow meat. I have
>eaten buffalo meat before. It tastes okay, but the price tag on it
>is not something I can justify on a regular basis.

It's really buffalo, then, and not just the name of the dish? I've had
buffalo wings in some places - didn't look like any part of a buffalo I
can imagine.

(OK, I know it's really chicken).

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