Thread: Recent spam...
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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Default Recent spam...

Omelet wrote:
> WTF is it lately with all the clothing and shoe spams?
> I'm setting up new killfilters so that any subject with the word "shoes"
> gets filtered out. They've been hitting every newsgroup!
> Why do spammers think we won't boycott them when everybody HATES them
> so???

This won't stop until some heroic, Batman-like
character begins the justified killing of
spammers. After the first one or two thousand
have been killed, the wave of spam probably
would subside. If not, perhaps just a bit more
persistance would be enough. At least, it's
worth trying.

If you are ever on the jury for the trial of such
a person, remember your rights as a juror, and
vote your conscience.