What's the big deal about buffalo burgers?
On Thu, 15 Apr 2004, Bubbablue wrote:
> notbob > wrote in message news:<Vzvfc.147989$JO3.88757@attbi_s04>...
> > ["Followup-To:" header set to alt.food.barbecue.]
> > >
> > > What's the big deal about buffalo burgers?
> >
> > The only big deal I'm aware of with buffalo burger (or any buffalo meat) is
> > its astonishing ability to go from juicy and tender to old saddle leather in
> > about 3 nano seconds. Never cook buffalo, or even beefalo, past med rare.
> >
> > nb
> It's popular here partly because it's local (although the beef is
> too), partly because it's different, but mostly because it's low-fat.
> It's about the same price as beef - ie. one-tenth the cost of fish.
> I wouldn't cook bison of any kind over dry heat. I'd even think twice
> about grilling burgers. Bison responds very well to marinating and
> braising; for some strange reason, bison is better in French country
> cooking than beef.
> wd40
We grill bison burgers nearly every week with no problem --
taste is a little "sweeter" than beef.
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Katherine Becker "As god is my witness
I thought turkeys could fly"
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