Thread: Recent spam...
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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Recent spam...

Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> George > wrote:
>> Omelet wrote:
>>> WTF is it lately with all the clothing and shoe spams?
>>> I'm setting up new killfilters so that any subject with the word "shoes"
>>> gets filtered out. They've been hitting every newsgroup!
>>> Why do spammers think we won't boycott them when everybody HATES them
>>> so???
>>> Idiots.

>> Its hard to blame the spammers because they make money doing it. A few
>> percent of (apparently clueless) readers think the deal presented is
>> just for them or too good to pass up. No different than the "we have
>> leftover blacktop coating in the truck..." scam.

> I'd love to have my driveway paved to control the stupid weeds, but I'd
> hire a local contractor. ;-)

Scammers don't do paving because it is too much work . The famous scam
is to show up in a pickup truck claiming they were working in the
neighborhood and have leftover blacktop coating and they will give you a
great deal just to get rid of it. It turns out to be old oil or some
cheap Walmart black paint which they quickly spread on your driveway and
disappear with your money.