On Sun, 12 Aug 2007 22:48:39 -0400, "Dee Dee" >
>He spent the several hours today unhooking the reverse osmosis under the
>sink and pulling off the old formica (with wooden frame) countertops, and
>taking out the trash compactor door and frame. Tomorrow he will get the
>guts of the trash compactor taken out. Then all goes to the dump, for which
>we have an ole' time truck to do that job. Hope someone is standing by (a
>trash picker, would you call them) for an old, but completely new and unused
>trash compactor.
Please consider posting the trash compactor on
www.freecycle.com for
your area. It's a wonderful way to find things you're looking for,
and to get rid of perfectly good items instead of throwing them away.
Sorry about your dinner. I just plain don't eat at Taco Bell anymore.
The last several times I attempted it, I got sick. I'm not sure what
they put in their "food," and I don't want to know, either.