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David Fetter David Fetter is offline
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Posts: 10
Default Another McDonald's Lawsuit

jmcquown > wrote:
> So, he ordered two quarter pounders without cheese. And the excuse
> for this lawsuit is he didn't notice it had cheese on it because he
> was eating in a dark room. What?!
> If you place a special order shouldn't you check it before you leave
> the establishment? I eat my burgers plain. It's been a long time
> since I was at a McD's but I always checked to make sure my burger
> was to order before I drove off. I guess it's a good thing for
> McDonald's he didn't order coffee, too.

The real coffee story is a lot less flattering to McDonalds than you
appear to assume here.

Eating at McDonalds at all is a poor decision on several grounds, some
listed below:

* What little taste there is in the stuff is awful.
* It's expensive compared to, say, a taco truck or whatever else is local to you.
* The "food" is jammed with ingredients like HFCS which is *really* bad for you.

David (a former McDonalds employee)
David Fetter >
phone: +1 415 235 3778 AIM: dfetter666
Skype: davidfetter

Before you try to play the history card, make sure it's in your hand.