Another McDonald's Lawsuit
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Peter A
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Posts: 1,442
Another McDonald's Lawsuit
In article >,
> Andy wrote:
> > jmcquown said...
> >
> >> If you place a special order shouldn't you check it before you leave
> >> the establishment? I eat my burgers plain. It's been a long time
> >> since I was at a McD's but I always checked to make sure my burger
> >> was to order before I drove off. I guess it's a good thing for
> >> McDonald's he didn't order coffee, too.
> >
> >
> > It's his own bozo fault for not actually checking. If he was cautious
> > enough to order it that way because of a cheese allergy and knowing
> > he could possibly die, he should have been equally as cautious to
> > check it before biting into it and return the meal. That should
> > probably release McD from any liability, imho.
> >
> > The other issue that wasn't mentioned was if his friend or mother
> > didn't mistakenly give him the cheese'd burger as they drove away.
> >
> > Andy
> Yeah, I still can't figure out why they didn't check the special order. Any
> time I order something (after all, I think it's called a Quarter Pounder
> with Cheese???) I check it first. And his mother and friend are party to
> the lawsuit because they "risked their lives" rushing him to the hospital?
> Um, as opposed to what, calling 911 and letting an ambulance staffed with
> medical personnel do it? Sounds more like they want to be party to some
> monetary fallout to me.
The lawsuit does seem overboard and the relatives may in fact be greedy.
Still, that does not absolve McD's for responsibility for selling a
product that was not what it was claimed to be. I am puzzled as to why
so many people are anxious to absolve corporations for responsibility
for their errors. Individuals have responsibilities but so do
If you, allergic to penicillin, took in a prescription for tetracycline
and told the pharmacist about your allergy, should you be required to
check the pills before you take one? Who would be responsible if they
gave you penicillin and you died?
Suppose you went to a hardware store and asked for 1000 pound cable
and they sold you 250 pound cable, and as a result someone was killed.
Should you have checked?
Peter Aitken
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Peter A
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