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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default Another McDonald's Lawsuit

Peter A wrote:
> In article >,
> The lawsuit does seem overboard and the relatives may in fact be
> greedy. Still, that does not absolve McD's for responsibility for
> selling a product that was not what it was claimed to be. I am
> puzzled as to why so many people are anxious to absolve corporations
> for responsibility for their errors. Individuals have
> responsibilities but so do businesses.

I'm not absolving McD's of anything, simply saying gee, didn't someone look?
I mean if this guy's allergy to cheese is *that* bad you'd think someone
(including himself) would have checked his order. It's not like cheese is

> If you, allergic to penicillin, took in a prescription for
> tetracycline and told the pharmacist about your allergy, should you
> be required to check the pills before you take one? Who would be
> responsible if they gave you penicillin and you died?

Not a fair (or even reasonable) comparison, Peter. How on earth would I
check pills for their content other than to read the label on the pill
bottle? Cheese is easy enough to see on a hamburger. I can't tell by
looking at a pill what it contains.
