Another McDonald's Lawsuit
Peter A wrote:
> In article >, cathy1234
> says...
>>> Suppose you went to a hardware store and asked for 1000 pound cable
>>> and they sold you 250 pound cable, and as a result someone was killed.
>>> Should you have checked?
>> Yes. It's called "taking responsibility for your own actions".
> That applies to the hardware store as well as to the buyer.
> Will you please explain why an individual must be responsible for his
> own actions while a business does not?
As usual, you missed the point completely. Shit happens. People working
for businesses make mistakes (not the businesses themselves). If I was
"critically allergic" to cheese, I wouldn't care if the Creator of the
Universe himself told me it didn't contain cheese. I'd check.
Chatty Cathy
Garlic: the element without which life as we know it would be impossible