Canning Tomatoes
On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 07:27:15 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
>In article .com>,
> Sheldon > wrote:
>> > I give most of what I make away as well. Most years I am eating the last of
>> > what I made about when it's time to make more.
>Good planning. My brother plans to can tomatoes every second year. The
>year he cans he puts up a two-year supply.
>> Exactly. People who actually for real garden each year aren't going
>> to claim they put up 5 bushels of tomatoes, even a large family can't
>> consume that much sauce before they're picking tomatoes again...
>LOL. You're in deep water, Sheldon. You don't know what a large family
>can consume. Then there's the part about sharing (the canned goods)
>with others. You won't eat anyone's home canned goods, but others will
>and do. I understand your fear -- when I was given some stuff, I grilled
>the donor about how they were processed.
sheldon doesn't know chicken shit from chicken salad. plus, you're
all liars!
>> It was hot today (84F) but I was out working in my garden, harvested
>> about 3 pounds of green beans, ate all my ripe blueberies and
>> strawberries as I picked them (yummy warm from the sun),
>What kind of strawberries do you have?
>> across the road supplied with my extra crops, she'll get a about ten
>> pounds of beets, she makes really good pickled beets.
>> Sheldon
>Get her recipe!! I'm looking for a recipe.
i thought sheldon didn't eat food canned by others?
your pal,
your pal,