In article . com>,
The Truthful Assh0le > wrote:
> On Aug 13, 11:29 am, "James Silverton" >
> wrote:
> > Hello, All!
> >
> > I haven't knowingly eaten much Spam since I was 21 but I think
> > it is edible in desperation. As I have mentioned before, it
> > seems to be quite popular in oriental circles, witness Spam
> > Nigiri in Hawaii and the range of similar products in some
> > Chinese groceries. I do remember having it fried, sometimes also
> > coated in reconstituted dried egg, in default of bacon when I
> > was a small child during WWII and I can't remember rejecting it
> > :-) I suspect no-one will admit liking it in public!
> Of course, "it is edible in desperation." Spam and it's cousin,
> Treet, are worse than Vienna sausages and South American canned corned
> beef. All are edible, if not aesthetically pleasing. The worst thing
> of that sort is deviled ham:
> >
> > James Silverton
> > Potomac, Maryland
> --Bryan
I actually like Underwood potted "roast beef" spread. We eat so little
of that stuff here it's used as stocking stuffers for Christmas as it's
considered to be a treat. ;-)
Dad adores Vienna sausages while I cannot stand them.
I'll always get spam instead of Treet.
Other stocking stuffers are things like canned smoked oysters etc.
Canned meats are EXPENsive!
Except for tuna.
Peace, Om
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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson