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Doug Weller Doug Weller is offline
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Posts: 311
Default Another McDonald's Lawsuit

On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:04:09 -0500, in, David Fetter

>jmcquown > wrote:
>> So, he ordered two quarter pounders without cheese. And the excuse
>> for this lawsuit is he didn't notice it had cheese on it because he
>> was eating in a dark room. What?!
>> If you place a special order shouldn't you check it before you leave
>> the establishment? I eat my burgers plain. It's been a long time
>> since I was at a McD's but I always checked to make sure my burger
>> was to order before I drove off. I guess it's a good thing for
>> McDonald's he didn't order coffee, too.

>The real coffee story is a lot less flattering to McDonalds than you
>appear to assume here.

That's the old ATLA, Association of Trial Lawyers of America, now calling
themselves The American Association for Justice, originally the National
Association of Claimants’ Compensation Attorneys. But as John Fabian Witt,
Professor Law and History at Columbia, wrote, "At KFC (né Kentucky Fried
Chicken), the chicken is still fried. At Altria (né Philip Morris), the
cigarettes still cause cancer. And at the American Association for
Justice, some will say that the trial lawyers are still chasing
ambulances." Some people might call the name Orwellian, I couldn't
possibly comment.
>Eating at McDonalds at all is a poor decision on several grounds, some
>listed below:
>* What little taste there is in the stuff is awful.

Some stuff they do is tasty, other stuff they do I don't like. Taste is
personal. I like some of their new baguettes.

>* It's expensive compared to, say, a taco truck or whatever else is local to you.

And you think that's guaranteed tasty and healthful? If so, I've a bridge
I'd like to sell you.

>* The "food" is jammed with ingredients like HFCS which is *really* bad for you.

Yes, sugar can be bad for you. It's McDonald's fault people overeat, they
make the food so cheap and tasty it can't be resisted. Oh, no, sorry, it's
nasty and expensive. That's how they get people to overeat those bad
things like HFCS which no one else of course uses, especially local taco
trucks which use only organic and healthy ingredients.

>David (a former McDonalds employee)

And maybe a very disgruntled one who things they done him wrong?

Doug Weller --
A Director and Moderator of The Hall of Ma'at
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