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Peter A Peter A is offline
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Posts: 1,442
Default Another McDonald's Lawsuit

In article >,
> >Bully for you. But let me ask you this: just because someone is not as
> >careful as you, does that mean they are responsible for mistakes made by
> >the restaurant they are paying?

> No, they are responsible for their own actions though. Anyone with a
> possibly deadly intolerance for something so obvious shouldn't rely on
> anyone else.

But it's not their own actions, it's someone else's actions. You are
asking an individual to be responsible for someone else's mistake. How
is that right?

It is certainly prudent for a person with a serious allergy to take
precautions, but that does not make it OK for restaurants to serve food
that is not what they say it is.

It is impossible to go through life without relying on other people. If
you offer a product then you assume responsibility that the product is
what you say it is. Responsibility works both ways.

Peter Aitken