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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Wooden Cutting Board Help

"kilikini" wrote:
> I was chopping up some celery the other day and went, whoosh! Where is that
> rank smell coming from? I sniffed the sink, nope. I sniffed the floor,
> nope. I sniffed the stove, nope. Then it hit me. It was the cutting
> board! It smelled like really moldy garlic. And I mean, bad! Worse than a
> 3 day old, uncleaned litterbox.
> How do I get the smell out? Should I bleach it? Use lemon juice? Oil it?
> What would you suggest?
> It's seriously making the kitchen stink. Any suggestions are welcome.

Turn it into kindling for starting charcoal... with that stink be sure
the wind is heading towards that neighbor you despise.

Modern plastic boards are much better functionally than any wooden
board, they cost much less so you can own many, they don't absorb
odors and and they can go into the dishwasher. I own quite a few very
nice looking and expensive wooden boards but they are now relegated to
serving, not prepping. I use plastic boards exclusively to work on.
And many of the new plastic boards are very aesthetically pleasing,
they are available in many exotic colors and configurations to satisfy
every taste. Some of my favorites I spotted on sale in the housewares
aisle of the stupidmarket, for like $3-$4... I even have some very
functional ones from the local 99 cents store. The modern plastic
boards don't hurt your knives and the knives don't hurt the boards...
and no maintenence other than a trip through the dishwasher... if you
want you can soak the plastic boards in the roasting pan of hot soapy
water, leave it over night if you're not up to doing dishes after
dinner... I often leave the roasting pan filled with dish soapy water
with the plastic board in it, if not for the dish washing liquid the
cats would be licking everything clean, and I don't care only that all
that grease isn't good for them. The plastic boards don't wear out
per se, instead after 2-3 years like all plastics they biodegrade,
you'll all of a sudden notice how the surface is beginning to develop
a "peach fuzz/velveteen" feel, you can still use it like that but I
prefer to toss it and get a new plastic board for $3. I once used to
be stubbornly dead set against plastic boards, had to be wood (don't
really know why, die hard I guess) but I made a complete reversal... I
would never go back to wooden boards.
