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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Default Telemarketers (was Recent spam...)

Omelet wrote:

> >
> >
> > The Canadian government recently proposed a new law for Do Not Call lists.
> > It is next to useless. It exempts politicians, charities, newspapers and
> > magazines, pollsters and companies with which you have had a business
> > relationship. That means that 99% of the telephone soliciting we get will
> > be exempt, so it really doesn't help much.

> Get an answering machine and screen calls.
> Your friends will understand.

That could work, but I resent the idea that I need to screen my calls
because of telemarketers. I put my name on the Do Not Call register which
bonifide telemarketers are supposed to respect. Anyone from an organization
that does not recognize that list are fair game for abuse. Sometimes I am
polite. If they are taking a poll I ask for money.... no money no answers.
They are being paid for their time to ask the questions so it is only fair
that I should be paid too. Sometimes I waste their time, start talking,
let them do their spiel, ask them questions and then after 10 minutes or so
I say no and hang-up. I figure that has saved a dozen people from having
to deal with them.

I have learned to sometimes give them a chance to get their spiel out. Two
years ago I was about to hang up in disgust but listened long enough to
realize that my television satellite company was offering me free theatre
tickets. After making sure there were no tricks, no gimmicks, no pre
theatre sales pitches I accepted. We got to see a terrific matinee
performance of Pygmalion, and there really were no strings attached.