Dee Dee said...
> <koko> wrote in message news:dqovb3tocg3cbjkvaalp8hacscsq6gv6cm@
> I'm going to have to ask DH if he ever had it -- he
>>>used to spend some time in Kobe in the early 70's-- maybe that's before
>>>was even known to him. But I'll bet the cost was no object if that was
>>>you had your thoughts on.
>>>Dee Dee
>> This is American Kobe so it's not any where near as expensive as the
>> imported Japanese Kobe beef. My sandwich was $8.25 and Stan's was
>> $12.00 and they were 12" sandwiches.
>> koko
>> ---
>> updated 8/12
> DH said he had Kobe beef in Japan. He said he couldn't remember too
> but that his tastes were probably not that well refined.
> I've never heard that there was American Kobe. I'll keep a look out.
> Thanks,
> Dee Dee
What I learned is Kobe Japan just doesn't have the grazing land so they
hire American farmers to graze their beef according to their requirements,
BUT it all goes back to Kobe, Japan.
What's sold here is called "Kobe-style beef." A big world away from Japan's
Where you hear or read American Kobe, substitute American-Style Kobe.
I could be wrong. I saw it on TV.