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zxcvbob zxcvbob is offline
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Default Spam the "food".

Omelet wrote:
> In article . com>,
> The Truthful Assh0le > wrote:
>> On Aug 13, 11:29 am, "James Silverton" >
>> wrote:
>>> Hello, All!
>>> I haven't knowingly eaten much Spam since I was 21 but I think
>>> it is edible in desperation. As I have mentioned before, it
>>> seems to be quite popular in oriental circles, witness Spam
>>> Nigiri in Hawaii and the range of similar products in some
>>> Chinese groceries. I do remember having it fried, sometimes also
>>> coated in reconstituted dried egg, in default of bacon when I
>>> was a small child during WWII and I can't remember rejecting it
>>> :-) I suspect no-one will admit liking it in public!

>> Of course, "it is edible in desperation." Spam and it's cousin,
>> Treet, are worse than Vienna sausages and South American canned corned
>> beef. All are edible, if not aesthetically pleasing. The worst thing
>> of that sort is deviled ham:
>>> James Silverton
>>> Potomac, Maryland

>> --Bryan

> I actually like Underwood potted "roast beef" spread. We eat so little
> of that stuff here it's used as stocking stuffers for Christmas as it's
> considered to be a treat. ;-)
> Dad adores Vienna sausages while I cannot stand them.
> I'll always get spam instead of Treet.
> Other stocking stuffers are things like canned smoked oysters etc.
> Canned meats are EXPENsive!
> Except for tuna.

I really like fried Spam slices as an accompaniment for pancakes or
waffles -- maybe even better than bacon. But it has to be the original
Spam, all the others (like the lower salt version) contain turkey meat.
The original Spam is just made with ham and pork shoulder.

Don't forget about canned kippers and sardines. I use them in place of
tuna since decent canned tuna is getting hard to find.
