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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default Another McDonald's Lawsuit

Nancy Young wrote:
> "Paul M. Cook" > wrote
>> What's changed at McDs since the last time I consumed there? Back
>> in the day they had something called hamburgers and something else
>> called cheeseburgers. The wrappers were different colors, the
>> cheeseburger being yellow. So if the guy wanted a hamburger why did
>> he order a cheeseburger?

Don't forget, he was eating in the dark watching a movie or a video or
something. I don't know about you, but I always eat in the dark.

>> I'm nobody to let irresponsible corporations off the hook, but this
>> person clearly failed to exercise due diligence. Knowing you'll die
>> from cheese should make you avoid places that sell it or prepare it.
>> This reeks of opportunistic setup.

> The story stinks to high heaven. Wonder what part of his anatomy they
> pulled that 10 million dollar figure from, too. The whole scenario
> reeks.

That figure was pulled out of the lawyers' anatomy. 10 million seems to be
the figure of choice these days, especially if he/they are going to get 10%
of whatever is awarded. And make no mistake... some jury will award this
guy a lot of money or they'll settle. And other lawsuits will follow, just
