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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Chocolate Mint Ice Cream

The Truthful Assh0le wrote:
> On Aug 13, 10:40 am, George > wrote:
>> The Truthful Assh0le wrote:
>>> On Aug 13, 9:07 am, AE Todd > wrote:
>>>> I went to a party where we churned ice cream, one of which was
>>>> chocolate mint. The mint part reminded me of a toothpaste flavor, not
>>>> the mint flavor of ice cream in the store. How do you get a better
>>>> mint flavor?
>>> Buy the Edy's/Dreyer's.
>>>> Did we use the wrong extract (peppermint or spearmint)?
>>> Home-made ice cream never has a decent texture.
>>> Actually Haagen-Dazs makes a Mint Chip. There is no way on Earth that
>>> anyone is going to make better ice cream than Haagen-Dazs.
>>> Their Black Raspberry Chip is the best ice cream ever.
>>> --Bryan

>> Why not?
>> Say you are in NYC and want something better. Just go to the Chinatown
>> Ice cream factory on Bayard St. There is a Hagan-Das only 1/2 block away
>> from it. The Hagan-Das has barely any customers and there is always a
>> continuous stream of customers going into the Chinatown Ice Cream Factory.

> And you're suggesting that that implies that the ice cream is better?

Yes, the place I mentioned doesn't do any marketing and hasn't invented
some fake meaningless name to make themselves sound exotic. Everyone who
I have ever brought there raves about how good it is. The place doesn't
compete on price so that isn't the reason people go there. It simply
depends on word of mouth from people who know a quality product.

>> If you were in my area and wanted to do better than Hagan-Das you could
>> go to one of the two family owned dairies in the area. The cows are
>> behind the fence in the pasture and the processing is done in the
>> buildings right behind the dairy bar.

> They may use ingredients that are as good as Haagen-Dasz. Then again,
> maybe they do not.
> --Bryan

Hagan-Das is better than what you might find at Walmart but they can
only hope to be as good and as fresh as the places I mentioned. Those
places were making quality ice cream generations before Hagan-Das
appeared and they have a quality product.