Chocolate Mint Ice Cream
On Aug 13, 7:51 pm, George > wrote:
> The Truthful Assh0le wrote:
> > On Aug 13, 10:40 am, George > wrote:
> >> The Truthful Assh0le wrote:
> >>> On Aug 13, 9:07 am, AE Todd > wrote:
> >>>> I went to a party where we churned ice cream, one of which was
> >>>> chocolate mint. The mint part reminded me of a toothpaste flavor, not
> >>>> the mint flavor of ice cream in the store. How do you get a better
> >>>> mint flavor?
> >>> Buy the Edy's/Dreyer's.
> >>>> Did we use the wrong extract (peppermint or spearmint)?
> >>> Home-made ice cream never has a decent texture.
> >>> Actually Haagen-Dazs makes a Mint Chip. There is no way on Earth that
> >>> anyone is going to make better ice cream than Haagen-Dazs.
> >>> Their Black Raspberry Chip is the best ice cream ever.
> >>> --Bryan
> >> Why not?
> >> Say you are in NYC and want something better. Just go to the Chinatown
> >> Ice cream factory on Bayard St. There is a Hagan-Das only 1/2 block away
> >> from it. The Hagan-Das has barely any customers and there is always a
> >> continuous stream of customers going into the Chinatown Ice Cream Factory.
> > And you're suggesting that that implies that the ice cream is better?
> Yes, the place I mentioned doesn't do any marketing and hasn't invented
> some fake meaningless name to make themselves sound exotic. Everyone who
> I have ever brought there raves about how good it is. The place doesn't
> compete on price so that isn't the reason people go there. It simply
> depends on word of mouth from people who know a quality product.
> >> If you were in my area and wanted to do better than Hagan-Das you could
> >> go to one of the two family owned dairies in the area. The cows are
> >> behind the fence in the pasture and the processing is done in the
> >> buildings right behind the dairy bar.
> > They may use ingredients that are as good as Haagen-Dasz. Then again,
> > maybe they do not.
> > --Bryan
> Hagan-Das is better than what you might find at Walmart but they can
> only hope to be as good and as fresh as the places I mentioned. Those
> places were making quality ice cream generations before Hagan-Das
> appeared and they have a quality product.
Haagen-Dasz is wonderful. These places might be just as good, but the
only way that I can imagine them being BETTER than H-D is if they used
raw milk, and I'd bet they don't. One dairy in Oklahoma made raw milk
cheese, but I doubt that anyone makes raw milk ice cream.