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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default Chocolate Mint Ice Cream

Bryan wrote:

> Haagen-Dasz is wonderful. These places might be just as good, but the
> only way that I can imagine them being BETTER than H-D is if they used
> raw milk, and I'd bet they don't.

Remember Frusen Gladje? They were demonstrably better than Haagen-Dasz. My
mother was a complete fanatic about Haagen-Dasz until I got her to try a
sample of Haagen-Dasz side-by-side with Frusen Gladje. The Haagen-Dasz was
clearly watery by comparison.

Unable to compete in terms of quality, Haagen-Dasz fought back by
threatening to pull its wares from the shelves of grocers who carried Frusen
Gladje, and drove Frusen Gladje out of business. They tried that same tactic
with Ben & Jerry's, but B&J successfully sued them for it.

To *my* tastes, homemade ice cream is the best available, followed by Dr.
Bob's, then by Ben & Jerry's.

To the OP: Rather than using a mint extract, see if you can find peppermint
oil, and follow this recipe:,00.html
